Sisters Of The Moon

Healing is ALWAYS possible.✨

✨All illness is your mind and body trying to talk to you.

If you know how to listen you will get better✨

"I came to Georgia a couple of years ago, as I wished to address allergies. I had the most amazing healing results & realised I had emotional blocks that had caused my allergies that were completely released in just a few sessions. She is incredible & I recommend so so highly. This has changed my life. Georgia is a true healer & I felt so safe with her. Thank you so much.” - Sheila

"If you are having trouble sleeping make a visit here! I couldn’t recommend this enough. I feel more at peace and so glad I came today."-Sarah

“I defy anyone that says TBT has no effect. Within 15 minutes my wrist was free from R.S.I & has full movement.” - Brady

What Is The Boulderstone Technique?

The Boulderstone Technique (TBT) works on your mind and body, allowing you to process your experiences and restore peace. ✨

I usually work by holding your head whilst you are lying down on the couch.

Whilst holding your head I am able to connect to your life force (qi) and the issue (blockage / resistance/ tension), be it a past trauma or illness.

Once I locate this inner tension (the “issue”) I amplify it, to make your body more aware of it, which allows a release.

The Boulderstone Technique applies the key  principal of homeopathy-‘like cures like’, by matching the tension, I encourage your body to clear it.

Sometimes there is just one specific issue to clear, but often clients find there are multiple tension-causing issues they would like to resolve so we can work through them one by one until the problems go.

When our life force flows without resistance we feel peace (which is true health) the aim of the work.Sometimes if we are working on an allergy or hormonal imbalance I will place the offending substance in a vile against your neck before clearing the presenting reaction.

I have also successfully resolved physical injuries such as RSI, strains and sites of pain by directly working on the area too.The Boulderstone Technique (TBT) is effective, no matter how trivial or extreme the illness or trauma may appear.

Help is always here. 🌕✨💆🏽

New Clients

My goal is to restore you to health & improve your quality of life as quickly as possible, regardless of circumstance or conditions. I am open to working with anyone & any disEASE. Ready to claim your health happiness today?

What I Do

I am a Registered Nurse & Boulderstone Technique Practitioner. Whilst I have a special interest in women’s wellbeing, I have diverse experience working with all ages, genders, health complaints and backgrounds. From PTSD & sexual trauma, to allergies, hormonal imbalances, sprains & other pains.

You are in safe hands.

Get in Touch

Feel free to reach out for more information or to discuss your personal circumstance.

My Offerings 

It is impossible to have a healthy (peaceful) mind and a sick body. 

Peace is our natural state but it can get repressed by trauma & illness.

All illness is your mind and body trying to talk to you.

If you know how to listen you will get better.

Standard TBT Sessions

One Session (75 Minutes)


Trauma Healing Package (5 X 75 Minutes)


Grief Healing Package ( (3 X 75 Minutes)


Life Reset Package (3 X 75 Minutes)


Allergy & Hormonal Work

Allergy Clearning Package (5 x 75 Minutes)


Hormonal Balance Package (4 x 75 Minutes)


Allergy/Hormone Imbalance Session (75 Minutes)


Follow up Mini Clearing (40 Minutes)


Trauma Therapy 

The Boulderstone Techinnque is a highly effective healing modality that can rapidly treat a wide range of traumas including PTSD, prolonged grief or sexual assaults. Regardless of severity this treatment approach usually facilates rapid results by supporting your mind and body to process the experinces and restore you to peace.

Allergies & Hormonal Issues 

I am able to both provide allergy & hormonal testing using The Boulderstone Technique, as well as clearings (a highly effective form of desensitising therapy). ✨

Phobia Freedom

Are you terrified of thunder? Do you get panic attacks about flying? Petrified of spiders? I can help! Utilising The Boulderstone Technique (TBT) I am (usually rapidly) able to help you release the fear & restore a feeling of peace and neutrality to the offending substance or scenario. You do not have to live with this limitation or misery a day longer.✨

Strains & Physical Pains

Struggling with RSI, frozen shoulder or a twisted ankle that just won’t heal? These are all examples of issues I have successfully helped resolve. Furthermore TBT can provide relief from whiplash or soft tissue pain. Reach out today to set your healing in motion.✨

Manifestation Work

Do you believe in the law of attraction but struggle to translate the belief into positive outcomes? It is close to impossible to create your dream reality when you are holding on to unresolved trauma. We often repeat negative behaviours and experiences in a subconscious attempt to understand and process what has happened in the past. Through TBT work it is possible to release these past struggles and allow you to achieve a peaceful vibration to call in all that you desire. Reach out & step into your higher vibration today.✨

Integration Work

Have you recently had an intense experience or initiation, perhaps with a plant medicine or psychedelic? Whilst these experiences can be profound, it is often really challenging to integrate the wisdom afterwards. I have found TBT highly effective and beneficial in supporting this transition- helping you address the issues raised, process the past and step into your higher power.

Reach out & claim your best life now.✨


About Sisters Of The Moon

I chose the name Sisters of the Moon because of a desire to empower & reconnect women to their sacred feminine nature & our shared human experience. Women’s hormonal cycles were once influenced by the moon light & I believe reconnecting to both our inner & outer natural light will guide us back to wellbeing. Sisters of the Moon advocates for all SisSTARS (& our brOTHERS too), acknowledging we are always capable of healing. Our wellbeing is enhanced through the power of community & the strength that comes from shared experiences too. Join me in a journey of self-discovery & empowerment as we embrace the rhythms of nature & nurture our well-being together. Each session will reconnect you to your inner peace & wisdom as we embrace the beauty of your unique journey.