How it Works
The Boulderstone Technique (TBT) works on your mind and body, allowing you to process your experiences and restore peace. ✨ I usually work by holding your head whilst you are lying down on the couch. Whilst holding your head I am able to connect to your life force (qi) and the issue (blockage / resistance/ tension), be it a past trauma or illness.
Once I locate this inner tension (the “issue“) I amplify it, to make your body more aware of it, which allows a release. Somtimes there is just one specific issue to clear, but often clients find there are mutiple tension-causing issues they would like to resolve so we can work through them one by one until the problems go. When our life force flows without resistance we feel peace (which is true health) & the aim of the work.
Sometimes if we are working on an allergy or hormonal imbalance I will place the offending substance in a vile against your neck before clearing the presenting reaction. I have also successfully resolved physical injuries such as RSI, strains and sites of pain by directly working on the area too.
The Boulderstone Technique (TBT) is effective, no matter how trivial or extreme the illness or trauma may appear. Help is always here. 🌕✨💆🏽